Georgetown’s Very Best Coffee
With traditional and new cafés littered all around Georgetown, it's become increasingly easy for coffee connoisseurs to find a great...

B For Breakfast!
Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dine like a Pauper. We must agree that breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the...

槟城咖啡馆多不胜数,每家都非常有特色。然而以下的槟城主题咖啡馆你都打卡了吗?说不定你喜欢的咖啡馆就在这里,现在就来看看吧! Toys Café | Restaurant Details 图片来源:Toys Café 面子书...

A Meal With A View Part 2
With more and more modern and visually attractive cafe popping up all over Penang, we explore the little island to find you the...

KL's Coffee, Tea And Furry Friends | iPick
If you are the type of person who adores animals, but circumstances dictate you can’t own or keep any as pets, well fret not! The pet...

KL's Best Instagram-Worthy Cafes | iPick
Café’s have become more than just food and beverage outlets nowadays for they are also carefully designed to present a certain aesthetic...